Looking for Answers
Program Note
Looking for Answers augments a standard piano trio of violin, cello, and piano with electronically manipulated sounds derived from the same instruments. The sonorities and certain stubbornly recurring intervallic structures in “Frozen Questions” seek answers with serious but nearly paralyzing determination.
In a series of inwardly spiraling thoughts, “Contemplation” interacts with and is often swept away by an electronic fog of modified piano sounds.
“Dance” shrugs its shoulders and turns its back on the quest, mixing dance rhythms from several continents and cultures. Perhaps this is the only appropriate answer.
Looking for Answers was written for the radiant Mojave Trio. – Tom Flaherty
About Tom Flaherty
Tom Flaherty is a composer and cellist who works with music for humans and electronics. He earned degrees at Brandeis University, S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook, and the University of Southern California,…