spaces for oblivion
Program Note
[spaces for oblivion]
for electro-acoustic prepared piano joshua carro 2017
– (2) ice bells set upside down (bowl like) on 1st and 2nd intersections of the soundboard frame ice bell sizes – (1) 9.5 in. (1) 7 in.
– (1) small ice bell sized 6.5 in. set upside down (bowl like) on pitch D1 at 5:4
– (1) 10 in. splash cymbal set upside down (bowl like) on E4 at any spot available
– (1) 6 in. splash cymbal set upside down (bowl like) on G#5 at any spot available – (1) 14 in. trash cymbal that can be grabbed by bell with one hand
– (1) piezo microphone taped to the B0 right at the edge of the string right before it is in the tuning peg plugged into (1) small or large guitar amplifier with overdrive and distortion set as high as possible (sitting on a stool facing the audience with settings at the point of feedback and controlled with the volume knob.
channel 1 – (1) large diaphragm condenser microphone as close as possible to the A0 (utilizing proximity effect) channel 2 – (1) small diaphragm condenser microphone 6 in. from mid range and pointing at edge of 10in.
splash cymbal
About Joshua Carro
Joshua michael carro (b. 1982 – ) is a versatile multimedia artist, percussionist, sound designer, producer, teacher, and composer based in Los Angeles, CA. carro’s current work continues to develop…