I Delayed People’s Flights By Walking Slowly In Narrow Hallways
Program Note
In the famous stageplay “Self-Accusation” (1966) by Peter Handke, a first-person narrator puts on the hair shirt. In a sheer endless enumeration of wrongdoings the human morality is cool-headedly dissected and exposed. Almost half a century later the text has lost nothing of it’s thought-provoking meaning and inspiration. In “I Delayed People’s Flights In Narrow Hallways”, Mayke Nas has adapted the idea of Handke’s text into a musictheatre-piece for four performers rhythmically writing new confessions on four blackboards as if they were lines of punishment.
About Mayke Nas
Mayke Nas enjoys creating music for musicians breathing simultaneously, for moving chairs wired blackboards and open bridges. She considers herself lucky to work with Nieuw Ensemble, Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag,…