John Luther Adams
John Luther Adams is a Pulitzer- and Grammy-winning composer who lived for many years in
Alaska, where his music derived much of its unique character from the landscape and weather
of the Great North. Some years ago, he moved from Alaska, living in various desert and
mountain areas in South and Central America—places that also inspired and found expression
in his music. He currently resides in rural New Mexico. A long-time associate of the Cold Blue label, his music has appeared on ten Cold Blue recordings.
“John Luther Adams . . . one of the most original musical thinkers of the new century.” (Alex Ross, The New Yorker) “His music becomes more than a metaphor for natural forces: it is an elemental experience in its own right.” (Tom Service, The Guardian) “His music perfectly echoesthe landscape he loves: impersonal, relentless, larger than human scale, yet gorgeous, a quiet chaos of colors, suffused with light.” (Kyle Gann, Chamber Music magazine)