Tuesdays @ Monk Space PRESENTS

Gloria Cheng – The Intrepid Harpsichord

Grammy winning pianist Gloria Cheng brings her custom-made blue and red harpsichord to Monk Space for a concert featuring music that is both adventurous and eclectic. Includes the music of West Coast composers Lou Harrison, Sally Mosher, Veronika Krausas, Carolyn Yarnell, and Karen Tanaka, plus harpsichord mainstays Elizabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, Louis Couperin, and György Ligeti.

May 2, 2017
8:00 pm
Monk Space
4414 W. 2nd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90004

May 2, 2017
8:00 pm
Monk Space
4414 W. 2nd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90004

Grammy winning pianist Gloria Cheng brings her custom-made blue and red harpsichord to Monk Space for a concert featuring music that is both adventurous and eclectic. Includes the music of West Coast composers Lou Harrison, Sally Mosher, Veronika Krausas, Carolyn Yarnell, and Karen Tanaka, plus harpsichord mainstays Elizabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, Louis Couperin, and György Ligeti.