Peace Phone


Program Note

Peace Phone is a sound installation inspired in equal parts by a story about the last remaining phone booth being removed by crane from New York City, my relationship with my daughter, and Yoko Ono’s tireless and lifelong activism for world peace.

Only one person can experience this piece at a time. Pressing the buttons of the “phone” unlocks field recording from my life. Many of them feature my daughter at a young age, in my attempt to document and somehow capture the bittersweet fleetness of raising a small human who is all golden goodness and forever bursting with song and ideas.

I think if we could each recapture some of the wild joy we each felt as children then world peace might be possible.

About Sarah Wass

Sarah Wass is a nonprofit leader, award-winning arts educator, and active professional musician with more than 20 years of experience in the performing arts.  She joined Brightwork newmusic as Executive…